Acme Comedy Company

Featuring National Headliners Every Week

Top 5 Comedy Club in the Country

Acme's Funniest Person In The Twin Cities - Amateur Comedy Contest


The Contest: Be as funny as you can be in 3 minutes, on our stage during our regular shows.

The Rules: The rules are simple. The contest is for amateurs only, if you have ever been paid for your comedic talent you are not eligible to participate. Material must be original, but does not have to be traditional stand up comedy, it just has to be funny and your own. Contestants are judged on stage presence, creativity and audience response.

The Perks: 10 free tickets for the show you will be performing in. Give them to whomever you fancy, and have your own cheering section. There are nightly prizes and five contestants compete a night along with our regular show featuring a new national headliner every week. The top 25 scores of the summer move on to the semi-finals.

To find out more about the contest watch the Funniest Person Podcast: Hosted by Bryan Miller, the podcast focuses on past Funniest Person contestants and their experiences in comedy!

Watch the podcast:

  • Contest begins May 8th
  • Please allow two-four weeks for us to confirm your performance date via email
  • reach out to with inquiries
  • Please do not sign up unless you are sure you want to participate

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